Monday, May 19, 2014

Have you scheduled your success for today?

Attending a funeral was sad and heartbreaking and as the tears streamed down my eyes and I watched relatives blowing their noses from all that crying, I realized the ultimate importance of today.

If you are here now and you are here reading this, my question of the day is ,"Have you scheduled your success for today?"

Success is not something that you do once a year, it's what you are doing today and every day. This lifetime doesn't come with a rewind button to go back for what we've missed.

Here's an acronym for you if you're waiting for success to happen," TIYDFAW," Today-is-your-day-find-a-way.

What are you going to schedule on your success calendar for TODAY?

What is it that you should be doing regularly for your success?  Is it writing a blog like this to connect with more people and to be sure that you are adding content in an area that's important to you and your business.

Life is about participating. It's about showing up and doing.

One of tools I use for scheduling my success serves as a way of tracking how I'm doing and I like to call it my "Daily Success Log." On this log I record every day things that I am doing to be successful.

The idea of scheduling your success today and every day is pretty simple. If you look at the calendar and you are not doing anything, not talking to any potential clients, not attending any networking events, not participating in any social networking sites, chances are pretty good that nothing is happening that's moving your business and life upwards.

When you begin to keep track of the action steps that you are taking on your pathway to achieving goals you can see progress and the steps it takes. We live in this instant society and we want everything immediately at the click of the mouse and most times our success requires a series of steps and actions.

Today is the day that you have the greatest opportunity of your lifetime to achieve your desired success. Tomorrow is today minus one day. Have you scheduled your success for today?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Outsourcing Technical Business Skills for Effectiveness 10/02 by Successipes | Entrepreneur Podcasts

Outsourcing Technical Business Skills for Effectiveness 10/02 by Successipes | Entrepreneur Podcasts
There's so much to do to be successful and let's face it, there are tasks you don't know how to do or do poorly, and tasks to get done that you don't want to do. One of the best practices of those who want to like our theme, maximize their day, is to delegate as much as they can to others and to save their precious time for work they are best at and work that helps them figure out their company strategy for success.

This talk show episode is based on my introduction to entrepreneurs who are making one of their businesses helping other entrepreneurs to take control of the work they do and then delegate and outsource to reliable parties who can efficiently and at an affordable rate to you get this work done.

If you have not considered delegating tasks to others this is episode could change the way you do things immediately. 

Fitness Trends and Hot Fitness Franchises 10/22 by Successipes | Fitness Podcasts

Fitness Trends and Hot Fitness Franchises 10/22 by Successipes | Fitness Podcasts

Sunday, July 14, 2013

What is blocking your pathway to success?

Chances are you are a busy person and have so much you want to get done and have only 24 hours in each of your days. My mother reminded me that we don't truly have 24 hours to work, maybe a maximum of 16 hours, our waking hours to figure out how to divide up our time.

Thanks to the technology that has been developed and keeps being advanced, we can work with systems and structures that allows our work , products, and services to be available online 24/7 to make up for the fact that we as humans have to take some time to sleep. It is possible to make money while you  sleep if you structure your online world to make that happen.

On the human side, there's a book about"Your Day to Day Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, Sharpen Your Creative Mind " by Scott Belsky c. 2013 Behance. 

Scott is the founder of Behance and author of "Making Ideas Happen." I am quickly becoming a fan of Scott's writing and share with you he wrote," I was at the mercy of everything around me-everything but my goals and true preferences." 

Are there lots of little things taking up your time, your attention, maybe even your money, your focus, and diverting you from doing big things?

Today is the only day you will ever be able to influence Today. Today you have the most time you will ever have in this lifetime to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. Tomorrow is today minus one day. Embrace today. Make it special and do something that takes you closer to fulfilling your dreams and achieving your goals.

I learned from Ken that "your element" feels completely natural and resonates so strongly you feel its who you are. The element he tells us is "where natural aptitude meets passion."

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